CableRail Standard Cable Assemblies are an attractive, affordable, low maintenance, and easy-to-install railing infill option for homes and offices with a view. Our standard, prefabricated assemblies are made from 1/8", 3/16" and 1/4" diameter, high strength, weather-tough, type 316 stainless steel cable and are designed to replace commonly used metal or wood railing pickets. The assemblies are laced horizontally through holes drilled in the intermediate posts of your railing frame and then tensioned at opposite end posts with special Quick-Connect® SS fittings. The result is railing infill that is not only extremely durable and attractive but virtually invisible, allowing beautiful, unimpaired views.
The prefabricated assemblies are sold in a wide range of standard lengths (from 5 ft to 70 ft in increments of 5 ft) that can be trimmed to a finished dimension in the field.
Assemblies may be installed on new or existing wood or metal railing frames in exterior, interior, residential and commercial settings. They're also an ideal choice for fences and trellises. Please note that CableRail standard assemblies should never be used for lifting, hanging, or other high-load applications.
1/8" cables are commonly used for residential and light commercial projects. 3/16" cables are utilized in commercial jobs or residential applications where a heavier cable is desired. 1/4" cables are chosen for high traffic commercial settings.
Complete installation instructions, frame requirements, 3-part specifications, and detail drawings are available. Plus, if you ever have any questions or need assistance, please call us at 877-810-4116
We hope you will find all of the facts and figures you need to make CableRail Standard Cable Assemblies the number one choice for your next architectural cable railing project.
Assemblies begin with the Threaded Terminal fitting already fastened to one end of the cable when it comes from the factory. Attach the terminal to an end post using a Flat Washer and a special Snug-Grip® Washer-Nut and adjust tension in the line by spinning and torquing the Snug-Grip® Washer-Nut. Available in two sizes: 4-1/4" for metal posts and 7-1/2" for wood posts. Material: type 316 stainless steel.
The other end uses the new all stainless Quick-Connect® SS fitting. The fitting attaches to the cable by hand in the field without special tools. One-way jaws allow the cable to easily slide through in one direction but automatically grab and lock-on when the cable is released. Just slip the cable through, pull it tight, and cut off the excess. Colored or Stainless Steel End Caps give a clean finish detail. 1/8" size: 1-1/8" long with 3/8" diameter body. 3/16" and 1/4" size: 1-5/8" long with a 17/32" diameter body. Material: all stainless steel.
Sample Projects with Cable Railings |